Improving family time with a new artificial lawn

Playing with your children is amazing not only for bonding, but child development too. It’s proven that kids whose parents spend a lot of quality time, have batter development that helps later in life. We love to play indoors, but outdoor time much better and more enjoyable.

Children's hands on green artificial grass turf

However, playing in the garden isn’t always possible. There are many factors that come into play making you not able to play outside. Maybe it’s been raining and you’ll get covered in mud and soaked. Or maybe your house is in pristine condition, and you don’t want to make a mess inside. Whatever the reason, the UK is renowned for forced indoor play even in the summer months, but especially in the winter.

There is a solution to this…

Having artificial grass in your garden is a great way to eliminate all that mud and mess making outdoor play not possible. Additionally, it makes for a lovely looking garden all year round too. How’s that for a win win!

How to get started and choose the right grass for you

When deciding on artificial grass there is a lot to think about. It saves a lot of time and energy if you were to get a company to install it for you, but this can be quite expensive especially in this economy. For a lot of people this may be the best and only option.

However, you could also install it yourself. Everything you need (apart from base work material) can be bought online. Whether it be grass, glue screws or anything else you may need. And nowadays, there are many options and styles to choose from. You can even order samples to take a look and feel the grass before you buy. These are often free with no obligation to purchase.

There are some grasses that cater towards families and they tend to be a little tougher and can stay looking beautiful even from the most rigorous of play. No matter what you want to do on them.

The latter will save you a lot of time and effort but can make the cost of the install 10x more expensive.

Whether you want to install yourself or get a company to do it for you. You’ll still need to choose the grass that suits you. It’s a tough decision. However, be sure to ask lots of questions and take time to look at all your options before you buy the artificial grass.

You may want to steer away from the softer grasses as these tend to be not as hard wearing. As nice as they feel, after a small amount of play, they may start to go flat. And I can assure you, you don’t want to be out there brushing up your grass every day.

So, no matter how much you children want to play outside, no more will you need to say “no” because of rain and mud. Turn all those no’s in to yes’s with a  stunning new garden install. You will not regret it!

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